Last Updated 21/07/2023

Looking for Nigerian foods that easily digest?

Then I have some pleasant news for you.

Because this post explores some of the best digestible Nigerian foods as well as tips for painless eating.

You see...

Eating delicious foods you love doesn’t have to come at the cost of stomach troubles or digestive distress.

While some foods can be hard on the system, there are plenty of tasty options that are gentle and easy to digest.

Now, before we get to specific Nigerian foods that are easy to digest, let's quickly touch on...

What Makes a Food Easy to Digest?

Certain properties of food impact how easily it can be broken down and processed by your digestive system:

  • Lower fiberHigh fiber foods like beans, lentils, whole grains take more time to digest. Limiting fiber makes food easier on the stomach.
  • Lower fat – High fat foods require more digestion effort. Choosing leaner proteins and lower fat cooking methods improves digestion.
  • Higher moisture – Foods with more water content like broths, soups, stews, fruits and veggies are typically gentler on your stomach.
  • Easier to chew – Foods that are soft, tender and easy to chew demand less work to break down and digest.
  • Contains probiotics – Probiotic foods have beneficial bacteria that support gut health and improve digestion. Yogurt, kefir, kimchi are great sources [1].
  • Low FODMAP – Some carbohydrates called FODMAPs are hard to absorb for people with digestive issues like IBS. Low FODMAP foods are less likely to cause symptoms.

Keep these qualities in mind as we explore some top easily digested foods.

17 Easy To Digest Nigerian Foods

Nigerian foods that easily digest

Here are 17 of the top foods that are easy on the digestive system that you can find in Nigeria:  

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a good source of soluble fiber which helps regulate digestion. It also contains probiotics and anti-inflammatory properties that support gut health. Stick to unsweetened, low-fat oatmeal.

2. White Rice

White rice is easy to digest since the fiber is removed. It’s the perfect plain base to accompany other low-fiber, low-fat foods. Avoid fried rice dishes high in fat.

3. Lean Meat

Meats like chicken, turkey, and lean cuts of beef or pork provide protein while being lower in fat compared to processed meats. Remove skin and cook using low-fat methods.

4. Green Vegetables

Leafy greens like Ugu, spinach, water leaf, lettuce, bitter leaf, and ewedu are packed with nutrients but low in fat and fiber, making them easier to break down. Steam or sauté briefly.

5. Carrots

Cooked carrots are not only delicious but also easy on the digestive system. They offer soluble fiber and nutrients without much insoluble fiber. Steam or roast carrots until tender.

6. Potatoes

Potatoes are high in potassium and become highly digestible when peeled, boiled or steamed. Avoid deep frying or roasting with heavy seasonings/oils. Sweet potatoes also digest well.

7. Bananas

Bananas are easily digestible, providing key nutrients like potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. They have a low fiber content and contain compounds to soothe the stomach lining.

8. Melon

Melons like honeydew, cantaloupe and watermelon have high water content and provide hydration. Watermelon even contains the anti-inflammatory antioxidant lycopene.

9. Eggs

Eggs offer protein along with vitamins and minerals. They are fairly low in fiber and easy to cook in digestion-friendly ways like boiling, poaching, etc.

10. Fish

Fish like salmon, cod, tuna and halibut provide lean protein without much saturated fat, which makes them easier to digest than red meats. Bake, grill or poach fish.

11. Pasta

Plain pasta is easily digestible, especially if cooked until very tender yet firm. Avoid heavy, oily sauces. Go for light tomato or olive oil-based sauces instead.

12. Soup

Broths and soups allow ingredients to cook down until very soft for easy digestion. The liquid also provides hydration. Stick to low-fat, vegetable-based soups.

13. Smoothies

Blending raw fruits/veggies helps break down fiber for easier digestion. Customize smoothies using ingredients gentle on your stomach.

14. Yogurt

Look for unsweetened, low-fat yogurt with live active cultures. The probiotics in yogurt help maintain digestive health.

15. Papaya

Papaya contains the enzyme papain which helps break down proteins for easier digestion. It's also high in water and low in fiber.

16. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint contains an antioxidant called menthol that can help soothe digestive discomfort by relaxing stomach muscles.

17. Water

Staying hydrated is key for healthy digestion. Drink water between meals rather than large amounts during meals.

Tips for Pain-Free Digestion

Follow these tips when preparing foods to prevent digestive upset:

  • Opt for low-fat cooking methods like steaming, baking, grilling, etc.
  • Limit added oils, creamy sauces, fatty gravies which make food harder to digest.
  • Cut down on seasoning or marinades with acidic, spicy or pungent ingredients.
  • Chop/grind meat thoroughly and cook until no pink remains to allow easier chewing/digestion.
  • Remove skins, seeds, peels from fruits and vegetables when possible.
  • Chew food thoroughly to begin the digestion process and make it easier on your stomach.
  • Eat slowly, stop before feeling overly full and don’t lie down immediately after meals.

Foods That Can Cause Digestive Upset

On the flip side, there are some foods that may pose problems for sensitive stomachs. Use caution when eating:

  • Raw vegetables - Can be hard to break down, causing gas. Cook completely.
  • Dried beans/legumes - Contain indigestible sugars that cause gas. Soak before cooking.
  • Cruciferous veggies - Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower contain raffinose sugars that can cause bloating.
  • Spicy foods - Can irritate the digestive tract and cause acid reflux symptoms in some.
  • Fried foods - High in fat which requires lengthy digestion and can cause discomfort [2].
  • Carbonated drinks - The carbonation can cause bloating, gas and belching.
  • Alcohol, coffee - These stimulate gastric acid secretion which can upset stomachs.
  • High-fat dairy - Can be difficult to digest for people with lactose intolerance.
  • Whole grains - Contain phytates that impair nutrient absorption along with fiber difficult to breakdown.

Pay attention to your own body’s reactions and limit foods that tend to cause you problems.

Signs of Digestive Trouble to Watch For

Occasional mild digestive discomfort is fairly normal but more serious symptoms warrant medical attention. See your doctor if you experience:

  • Repeated nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Frequent abdominal pain, cramping, bloating
  • Constipation lasting longer than 3 days
  • Bloody/black stools, rectal bleeding
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Fever, blood in vomit
  • Difficulty swallowing

These could indicate an underlying health condition requiring treatment like gastritis, GERD, IBS, Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis among others. Your doctor can help diagnose the cause and guide appropriate dietary changes. Don’t hesitate to seek help for persistent digestive issues.

Sample Easy-to-Digest Meals

Here are a couple of sample daily meal plans featuring gentle foods that are easy on the digestive system:

Day 1

Oatmeal made and eggs 
White Rice and Chicken breast with steamed Carrot and slices of Cucumber .
Grilled Fish with steamed  Ugu and roasted potatoes.
Greek yogurt and banana 

Day 2

Scrambled eggs with steamed ugu and green onions with Decaf tea.
Chicken noodle soup. Mixed greens salad with vinaigrette dressing.
Pasta and Turkey with steamed veggies.
Banana smoothie 

Conclusion on Nigerian foods that Easily Digest

You don’t have to shy away from delicious foods just because you experience digestive troubles. Focus on nutritious, low-fat, low-fiber choices cooked gently. Avoid foods that tend to cause you problems. Eat slowly, drink fluids and seek medical advice if symptoms persist. With a little mindfulness, you can craft a diet that’s kind on your stomach and satisfies your tastes.

Let us know if you have any go-to foods that you find easy on the digestive system! We'd love to hear your recommendations in the comments.

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