Last Updated 31/07/2023

Interested in Home Remedy For Constipation In Nigeria? 

The good news is there are many effective home remedies for relieving constipation using natural ingredients at home.

Without further ado, let's get to list right away...

Home Remedy For Constipation In Nigeria

Home Remedies for Constipation

Let start with the easies remedies that can help get your bowels moving more regularly:

Dietary Changes

1. Eat More Fiber 

Adding high fiber foods to your diet can help bulk up stools and make them easier to pass. Good sources include:

  • Whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat bread
  • Fruits like apples, pears, oranges, mangoes
  • Vegetables like broccoli, carrots, spinach
  • Legumes like beans, lentils, chickpeas
  • Nuts and seeds like almonds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds

2. Drink More Fluids  

Proper hydration is key for healthy bowel movements. Drink plenty of:

  • Water
  • Fruit or vegetable juices
  • Herbal teas like green tea or ginger tea

3. Avoid Problem Foods

 Dairy, gluten, and processed foods can cause issues for some people. Eliminate any foods that seem to trigger your constipation.

Lifestyle Changes

4. Exercise Regularly

Physical activity helps increase muscle contractions in the intestines. Aim for at least 30 minutes per day.

5. Practice Relaxation Techniques  

Stress and anxiety can disrupt digestion. Try meditation, yoga, or deep breathing.

6. Use Proper Posture on Toilet 

Sit with knees above hips to align colon correctly. Use a footstool to prop feet up.

Herbal Remedies

7. Coffee

The caffeine stimulates the colon. Limit to 1-2 cups per day.

8. Ginger Tea

Green tea Contains digestive enzymes and oils that stimulate contractions.

9. Aloe Vera Juice

The latex has a laxative effect. Use 100% pure juice.

10. Local Herbs

 Nigerian herbs like bitter leaf, scent leaf, and neem may provide relief.

11. Probiotics

These healthy gut bacteria aid digestion. Get them from yogurt, kefir or supplements.

12. Lemon Water

Has a gentle laxative effect. Add lemon slices or juice to warm water.

13. Laxative Supplements

Stimulant, bulk-forming, or osmotic types can be used sparingly for quick relief.

There are many natural ingredients that can stimulate bowel movements when constipation strikes. Experiment to find which remedies provide effective, gentle relief for you.

"Relying too heavily on laxatives can cause dependence - make lifestyle changes for lasting relief."

Seeing a doctor is recommended if you have severe, persistent, or bloody stools. Home remedies should not replace medical advice. But when used wisely, they can get your digestive system functioning normally again.

When To See A Doctor

While home remedies can provide relief for occasional constipation, there are some signs and symptoms that indicate it's time to make an appointment with your doctor.

1. Rectal Bleeding

If you notice blood in your stools or on the toilet paper after straining, see your doctor right away. While hemorrhoids are a common cause, rectal bleeding can also indicate more serious conditions like colorectal cancer.

2. Unexplained Weight Loss

Sudden weight loss without trying can signal a digestive problem. See your doctor to determine the cause.

3. Severe Abdominal Pain

Extreme or persistent pain in your stomach or cramping during bowel movements may indicate a blockage or other issue that requires medical attention.

4. Changes in Bowel Habits

If your bowel schedule has changed and you are consistently experiencing diarrhea or constipation for more than 2-3 weeks, check with your doctor.

5. Chronic Constipation

If home remedies and lifestyle changes aren't providing relief for chronic constipation lasting longer than 3 weeks, a doctor can evaluate your symptoms and provide stronger treatments options.

Some examples of symptoms that warrant seeing a doctor include:

  • Only being able to pass stools less than 3 times per week
  • Needing to manually disimpact hard stool
  • Regularly experiencing acid reflux, bloating, nausea

Your doctor may recommend:

  • Blood tests to check for nutritional deficiencies
  • Medications to ease constipation
  • Surgery to correct any bowel obstruction or other anatomical issues

Additionally, those at higher risk should take constipation seriously:

  • Young children
  • Elderly adults
  • Pregnant women
  • People with neurological conditions

"Don't hesitate to see a doctor if home remedies aren't providing relief for chronic constipation."

Severe, persistent, or bloody stools are signs to seek medical care promptly. For long-lasting constipation symptoms, a doctor can provide prescription medications, referrals to specialists like gastroenterologists, and recommendations for dietary changes to get your bowel habits back on track.

What Doesn’t Work for Constipation Relief

When dealing with constipation, it's tempting to try many different solutions in hopes of finding relief. However, some commonly attempted remedies may not be effective and can even make matters worse. Here's what to avoid:

1. Overusing Laxatives

While laxatives provide quick, temporary relief of symptoms, relying on them too heavily can cause dependency. Your bowels may stop having natural contractions, potentially worsening constipation over time. Use stimulant laxatives only occasionally if gentle remedies aren't working.

Skipping Meals

Thinking that eating less food will reduce bowel movements is counterproductive. Insufficient intake can disrupt digestion and lead to dehydration from lower fluid consumption. Make sure to eat regular, balanced, fiber-rich meals.

2. Ignoring the Urge

When you feel the need to have a bowel movement, don’t wait too long to use the bathroom. Holding it in causes stool to compact and dry out, making it more difficult to pass later. Try to use the toilet when you first feel the urge.

3. Fiber Supplements Alone

While fiber is beneficial, relying solely on supplements may not provide complete nutrition. Aim to get 25-30g daily from whole food sources like fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, and whole grains.

4. Colon Cleanses

Colon cleansing procedures, enemas, and harsh herbal flushes may promise a “detox", but they can disrupt the natural gut bacteria balance. Avoid these unproven methods.

5. Prescription Medications

Don’t take more constipation medications without consulting your doctor first. Increasing dosage of opioids, antidepressants, iron, and other drugs can be unsafe.

6. Laxative Teas

Some herbal teas contain strong laxative compounds. Frequently drinking senna, cascara, or buckthorn tea could irritate your digestive tract. Use them only occasionally if needed.

"Work with your doctor to adjust any medications that may be causing constipation as a side effect."

Certain drugs and unhealthy bowel habits can definitely worsen constipation. But there are safer, gentler remedies to try first. Focus on getting more fiber, fluids, exercise and addressing any underlying causes or concerns with your healthcare provider.

Conclusion on Home Remedy For Constipation In Nigeria

Living with constipation can be uncomfortable. But there are many effective home remedies that can provide relief and get your digestive system regular again.

Eat High Fiber Foods

Filling your diet with fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds can help bulk up stool and stimulate bowel movements.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of fluids softens stool and prevents dehydration that worsens constipation. Water, juices, teas and other non-caffeinated liquids are best.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity stimulates contractions in your colon that push stool through. Even light exercise like walking helps.

Manage Stress

Anxiety, depression and tension can disrupt normal digestion. Try relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation.

Use Proper Toilet Posture

Sitting in a squatting-like position with knees above hips aligns your colon for easier passage of stool.

Consider Herbal Remedies

Natural laxatives like senna, ginger and aloe vera can provide relief when used occasionally. But avoid overuse.

See Your Doctor If Needed

See a doctor for evaluation if you have bloody stool, severe pain, weight loss or chronic constipation not relieved by lifestyle remedies.

Limit Laxative Use

While stimulant laxatives offer quick relief, overuse can cause dependency. Use them only as a last resort if other methods fail.

"Be patient as you determine which natural remedies provide effective relief for you."

Experiment with the various dietary, lifestyle and herbal remedies suggested here to determine what works best to get your bowels moving regularly.

Constipation relief is possible without harsh laxatives by:

  • Eating 25-30g fiber daily
  • Exercising 5 times per week
  • Drinking 64+ oz of fluids daily
  • Managing stress with yoga, meditation
  • Using proper toilet posture
  • Taking probiotics or herbal remedies

With patience and persistence, you can get your digestive system functioning normally again using these safe, gentle methods. Don't hesitate to consult a doctor if severe symptoms persist despite home remedies.

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