Ever feel like...
It's almost impossible for you to lose weight in Nigeria
Because of the Naija foods you love to eat?
Imagine going for a proper Naija party with "all you can eat" Jollof, Poundy, Orishirishi and more...

And you can only have salad with water because you’re watching your weight
Difficult right? I concur.
What if I told you that your weight loss problem has nothing to do with the tasty Nigerian foods you love... BUT...
all to do with one “simple thing” (Hint: it's not exercise)... and ... there's a simple way you can start losing weight from tomorrow while eating Nigerian foods you love .
You just have to be a little sneaky (I'll show you how).
If that sounds interesting to you...then...this guide is for You.
In This 'Lose Weight In Nigeria' Guide, You'll Discover:
And much more! Ready? Okay Let's begin with:
What's The One And ONLY Thing That Causes Weight Loss?
Everything you eat and drink contains Calories.
Repeat after me C-A-L-O-R-I-E-S! (out loud please):
I’m stressing on calories because the answer to the almighty question: "How to Lose Weight " has all to do with Calories.
By the way, a calorie is just a fancy word used for the "unit measurement of the energy" obtained from food & drinks (just as the unit measurement of distance is meter ).
Everything that goes into your mouth contains calories BUT everything you do burns calories (from walking, to brushing, to shiting, to driving... and so on)
In fact:
Your body would still burn calories if you sat still all day doing nothing because of basic biological activities such as breathing, digesting, and so on. The rate your body burns calories (energy) for these activities is called a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Now, you might be wondering:
If everything you eat contains calories, and everything you do burns calories then why do you get fat?!!
Well, the answer is simple…You eat more calories than your body uses (or needs).
You see, when it comes to eating and burning calories, 3 things can happen:
- You can consume the SAME amount of calories your body uses or needs each day; This is known as your Calorie Maintenance Level.
What happens then?...
Simple... Your weight remains exactly the same because your body ends up using up all the calories. - You can consume MORE calories than your body needs; This is known as a Caloric Surplus. What happens?...
Easy...You’ll Gain weight because of excess calories your body did not or could not use. - And lastly, you can consume LESS calories than your body needs; This is known as a Caloric Deficit.
What happens in this case?...
Yes, you guessed right, You’ll lose weight because your body uses up stored body fat (or muscles) to compensate for the shortage of calories.
Note This: Caloric Deficit is the one and only cause of weight loss.
Did you catch that? You didn’t? Ok, I’ll repeat (because it’s super important).
Caloric deficit is the “one and only” cause of weight loss.
Now, to make it clear as day, I'll give you a rough example:
If a person needs 2000 calories(I'm using this nice even number for sake of simplicity) to survive daily (i.e calorie maintenance level of 2000 calories),
If the person’s total daily calorie intake is:
- Above 2000 = weight gain
- Below 2000 = weight loss
- Exactly 2000 = no weight change

Bonus Download: Download Free PDF Document of over 100 Nigerian Foods and their Calorie content.
What Does Caloric Deficit Mean To You As A Nigerian?
It means you don't have to eat only salad with water to lose weight.
You can set up your very own delicious Nigerian weight loss diet plan.
You can lose weight eating pounded yam, jollof , eba…. And every other Nigerian food as far as you eat LESS than your daily calorie maintenance level. (i.e you create a calorie deficit)
Sweet right?
Don’t believe me ?? then check out...
The "Dirty Little Secret" Of How All Weight Loss Diets On The Planet Work.
The dirty secret of every weight loss diet on the planet is:
they are all based on calorie deficit every single time... How?
Here’s the dead simple explanation:
All weight loss diet trick you to do things that make you eat less calories...
For example:
- Low carb diet: requires to eat less carbs.
- Keto diet: requires you to eat little to no carbs
- Low-fat diet: required to eat less fat.
- Green smoothie diets: drinking only green smoothie.
- Clean 9 diet: Take large pills and eat only 600 calories.
Notice any similarity?
- Low carb diet: Eating less carbs - is a tricky way to make you eat less calories
- Low-fat diet: Eating less fat - is another tricky way to make you eat less calories
- Green smoothie diets: drinking only green smoothie - is yet another tricky way to make you eat less calories
- Clean 9 diet: Take large pills and eat only 600 calories-is also another tricky way of making you eat less calories
You're welcome!

Still with me? Cool.
Wait! What About Exercising?
Exercising is also a way to create a caloric deficit because when you work out, your physical activity for the day increases and you burn more calories than usual.
For example, if your maintenance level was 2000 calories, you could burn 500 extra calories through exercise!
But the problem is that:
Exercise alone is almost useless for weight loss. why? I'll explain myself.
Why Is Exercise Alone Useless For Weight Loss?
Exercise requires more work, willpower and time to burn off 500 calories daily compared to just eating 500 calories less daily.
To illustrate this point, see this infographics I did below:

From the Infographic above, you can see that it's best not to eat than to do the exercise required to burn the exact same amount of calories
Now, don't get it twisted. I’m not saying you should not exercise. The reason I’m telling you this is because most people feel a sense of false security when they exercise. They do a little exercise and then feel its okay to eat food they shouldn’t.
So the ideal weight loss scenario will be a proper eating plan (first!) combined with a proper workout plan.
Moving on, let's quickly look at...
How Many Calories Do You Need To Eat Daily To Lose Weight?
To know the number of calories you need to consume to lose weight, first...
You must know the exact calories your body needs daily (i.e calorie maintenance level ) THEN eat Less than maintenance level... full stop.
Simple right?
So the real question you should be asking is …
How To Get Your Daily Calorie Maintenance Level?
Your calorie maintenance level depends on different factors like your weight, height, activity level, metabolic rate, age etc...
That’s why two people of same weight, height and age can have totally different calorie maintenance levels
To make your life easier and not waste your time doing boring maths, I have provided a daily calorie requirement calculator below:
It works based on Mifflin-St Jeor equation- it uses your weight, age, gender and activity level to calculate and estimate your calorie maintenance level.
All you need to do is fill your details and press "Calculate" and voila! You'll get your estimated calorie maintenance number.
For accurate calculations, we need some basic info about you
*Sedentary means little or no exercise
*Lightly active means light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week
*Moderately active means moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week
*Very active means hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week
*Super active means very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training
*Before using the data obtained using this calculator, please consult with a doctor.
Okay, you know your calorie maintenance level, the next and most important step is to eat 20% Less than your calorie maintenance number.
I repeat...
Your Ideal Daily Caloric Reduction should be 20% Less your daily calorie maintenance level.
For example:
let’s say you found your calorie maintenance level to be around 3000 calories, then you'll calculate 20% of 3000 which is equal to 600. Which means that to lose weight (ideally), you will consume around 2400 calories daily (i.e. 3000 – 600 = 2400)
Understand?? ….. Good!
Now, why 20% less than your calorie maintenance level? The answer is simple. It puts you in the “sweet spot” of the ideal weight loss rate.
So what is this “ideal weight loss rate” and why is it important?
What’s The Ideal Weight Loss Rate?
Ideal weight loss rate is simply the rate at which you lose weight that helps you “Maximise” Fat loss and “Minimise” water and lean muscle Loss.
Now, your ideal weight loss rate depends on how much fat you have to lose (See the table below)
Amount Of Weight To Lose | Ideal Rate Of Weight Loss (Weekly) |
Above Average | 1kg (Or More) |
Average | 0.5kg to 1kg |
Below Average | 0.5kg (Or Less) |
Most doctors and nutrition experts say that the ideal, healthy, safe, smart and right amount of weight to lose for most people fall between the 0.5 to 1kg weekly.
I know! You might be thinking “ah! that’s too slow for me, I need to lose weight faster”
Your body system does not support fast weight loss, if you’re losing weight too fast, your body thinks you’re starving to death
So what does your body do?
It tries to survive by holding to the fat and burns your muscles for energy and remove water instead (which leads to cravings, anger, tiredness, irritability.. etc.). That's a topic for another day.
Besides the many health implications of fast weight loss, studies upon studies upon studies have shown that people who lose weight too fast end up gainig more weight at the end of the day.
In summary…You should lose weight at an ideal rate because...
» It is easier to do (sustainable over a long-term).
» Maximises fat loss
» Minimises muscle loss
» You’ll be able to cut your portions without feeling too hungry
» And it safe and healthy
You know how many calories to eat, the Next most important thing to know is Where these calories should come from.
I have only mentioned calories. What about protein, carbs and fat? Don't they matter?".
Does Protein, Carbs And Fat Matter?
The simple answer is Yes, BUT not in the way you might think…
I’ll explain
As you know already, you can lose weight on any type of diet in the world! (including our Nigerian diet) as long as you eat less than your body’s daily calorie needs.
That's a big part of the story BUT that's not the whole story…
You see, different foods affect hunger and hormones in different ways.
The foods that make up your diet can either make losing weight easy or extremely difficult because all calories (foods) are NOT created equal.
Now, to show you what I mean here is...
A quick and dirty example:
Case 1: You eat a “300 calories” cornflakes and milk breakfast
Case 2: You eat a “300 calories” Yam and Beans breakfast
In both cases you eat the Same amount of calorie, they both contain protein and carbs BUT the Only difference is…
» In case 1 you would be hungry again in no time (generally forcing you to want to eat more calories or be miserable throughout the day)
» In case 2 you’re rock solid. It will take a longer time for you to get hungry (generally helping you eat fewer calories throughout the day)
So the main point is:
How many calories you eat and Where these calories come from is "KEY".

For an easier Weight Loss and better health, there are certain carbs, protein and fat that should make up your diet
Which brings us to the next topic…
What’s The Only Diet That Guarantees Fast And Safe Weight Loss?
This diet is the best, its safe…
Everyone including doctors, nutritionist, lawyers and even kids knows it's the best diet in the world
What's this diet?
The diet is called a "Balanced Diet".
BUT Nowadays you hear all kinds of stupid diets from Low carb diet all they way to Indomie diet (LOL! I didn’t make that up)...
Which limits or bans you from eating certain types of food or which tells you to eat only a certain type of food.
The truth is doctors and nutrition expert advice you should eat a balanced diet and not limit some certain type of food.
That said, your weight loss diet should contain all the classes of food in a significant amount!
In case you’ve forgotten….. the classes of foods are…Carbohydrate (carbs for short), protein, fat & oil and don’t forget water (very important!)
The sources and how much of these foods to eat is very important,
Let's start with ...
Protein (And How Does Protein Help You Lose Weight?)
Protein is absolutely important because your body cannot function properly without protein.
If you didn’t know, your skin, nails, hair, muscles, bones and some hormones are made up of protein.
Now you know why protein is super important for your health,
so how does protein help you lose weight? (which I obviously know you’re more concerned about)
» Protein keeps you full longer (therefore you eat less food overall)
» Protein helps preserve your muscles (you should be losing fat, not muscles)
» Protein helps you burn more calories (by a complicated process I don’t have time to explain today
» So which foods should you be eating that contains protein?
Let’s answer that…
Here is a quick list of some foods high in quality protein:
- Chicken
- Turkey
- Fish
- Beef (leaner the better)
- Milk
- Pork (leaner the better)
- Egg
- Protein Supplements
- Beans (all types)
- Nuts (all types)
For more Nigerian protein foods checkout this post » Complete list of Nigerian protein foods
Finally, before we go to the next class of food, It worth knowing that 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories. So for every gram of protein you eat, you’re taking in 4 calories.
Fat (What Type Of Fats Help You Lose Weight?)
When you hear fat, the first question in your mind is...
“Does eating fat not make you fat?”
The answer is YES! and NO! Let me explain….
If you overeat fatty foods (even protein and carbs), YES you will get fat because as we already know more calories than your body needs equals weight gain
BUT if you eat the right amount of fat on it’s own, then NO you won’t get fat (in fact some fat are really good for your health.)
I know that dietary fat has a bad reputation due to bad information that has been spreading over the years BUT not all fats are bad.
That said, some fats are horrible for your health and weight (artificial Trans fat), some are not as bad (polyunsaturated fat) and others are amazing for your health and weight (monounsaturated and saturated )
The foods that contain the bad fats are listed in the “what not to eat” section of this post.
So which fats are good for weight loss and your health?? ...Good question
Here are…Good Sources Of "Good Fat":
- Fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, etc.)
- Nuts & Seeds
- Olive Oil
- Fish Oil & Flax Seed Oil Supplements
- Avocados
- Coconut Oil
lastly, 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories.This means for each gram of fat you consume, you're taking in 9 calories.
Carbs (What Types Of Carbs Are Best For Weight Loss)
With the “low carb” craze around, many people think eating carbs makes them fat!
However, we know that the only thing that makes people fat is eating too many calories (which can come from any source including carbs)
Agree? … Cool!
Just like fat there are good carbs and bad carbs
Simple carbs (AKA “bad” carbs) should usually be limited/avoided. Simple carbs are bad because of they are quickly digested by the body, which has a bad effect on our blood insulin levels. And they're addictive and don't keep you full for long.
The "bad" type of carbs would be found in the typical snack/junk and most processed foods (examples are listed in the “Food not to eat” section).
On the other hand, Complex carbs (AKA “good” carbs) are slower to digest, and should be where you get most of your daily carbs intake from.
Some sources of these good carbs are:
- Vegetables
- Oatmeal
- Sweet Potatoes
- Yam
- Fruits
- Brown Rice
- Beans
- Irish potatoes
Also checkout this post » Low Calories Nigerian Carbs
1 gram of carbs contains 4 calories.This means that each gram of carb you eat you’re taking in 4 calories.
Now, you know what to be eating, let's move on to the final part of this guide. But before we do I want to drop a quick warning...
Okay, that's out of the way, let's move on to...
Remember, If you overeat "Healthy" carbs, protein or fat, you'll still get fat!
What Not To Eat (And Why?)
A general rule of thumb is to avoid/reduce…
Foods High In Refined Sugar
Foods high in sugar messes with your hunger/fullness hormones (ghrelin and leptin)
which causes Your brain not to respond to the 'STOP EATING' signal, turning you into a monster that can't control your food intake
Foods high in sugar also leads Insulin resistance, making it difficult for your body to access stored body fat causing the brain to think that you’re hungry. Then you eat more and more.
A few examples of foods high in sugar are biscuits, cake, chocolates.. etc
Highly Processed Foods
Besides being horrible for your health, processed foods are bad for weight loss because of various reasons
» They are low in nutrients and fibre which causes you to get hungry again in no time after eating them
» Processed foods are addictive which makes you eat too much of them leading to more calories in.
» Processed foods are usually high in sugar which messes up your hunger hormones and causes insulin resistance (as you already know)
Examples of such foods are bread, cereal, noodles etc
Foods High In Trans Fat.
We know that gram for gram fats contains the highest number of calories compared to protein or carbs.
Food high in trans fats are bad for weight loss and can be dangerous to your health.
Just to name a few… food high in trans fat are Fried foods, margarine, Cheese, Biscuit, cakes etc.
What Not To Drink (And Why?)
» Soft drinks
» Juice
» Alcohol
» Energy drinks
Are drinks you should stay away from because they add significantly to your calorie intake per day and make losing weight difficult. If you want to know why these drinks are dangerous, go here.
In summary, with these drinks, you can consumes hundreds of calories in a few minutes, which you can hardly happen if you were to eat real food.
So, stick to water and maybe green tea (of course without milk and sugar).
Das it! for this post.
In summary, what I have been trying to say since morning are:
- The one and ONLY requirement to lose weight is a calorie deficit ( i.e calorie Reduction) to put it in another way eat and drink a little less calorie than your body needs daily and you’ll lose weight.
- You can eat ANY Nigerian food like poundy, eba, joloff…. Etc and still lose weight as long as you create a calorie deficit (i.e you eat less calories than your body needs)
- You can lose weight on any diet in the world (including our Nigerian diet) but some are just more difficult to stick to than others.
- Exercising is about 30% of your weight loss battle ( and your diet is 70%).
- You have a better chance of surviving in the weight loss battlefield if you eat more of food sources from high-quality Protein (like eggs, chicken, meat etc), Good Carbs (whole foods like yam, fruits, vegetables etc) and Good Fat (like fish, fish oil, nuts etc..)
- Don't drink your calories, drinks like soft drink, juice, alcohol are full of calories but No nutrients.
Now It's Your Turn
1. Please share this post with your friends and family watching their weight on social media using the share buttons on this page. Thanks.
2. Comment to let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or just to tell me you love me.
This is so well written. Very useful information good sir.
Wow! This is the best article I ever read on weight loss, highly explanatory. Infact I was able to understand some things I crammed in school here like BMR.I also learnt how to calculate calories in foods e.g 100g of palm oil contains 900kcal. Thanks so much!
Thanks a lot … Many will charge a great fortune for this info.. but you did it for free.. God bless you
Eye opening.
A person has low sugar level in the blood(hypoglycaemia) can the person still do weight lost. Thanks.
Yes, sure!
Wow! You are so good at what you do. This is the best piece I have ever read on Weight loss. No hoarding of information. I practically read everything here. Thumbs up!!!
I loved your article, extremely splendid. I really feel insecure because I get a lot of annoying comments from others about my weight and I'm just 12 years.
Thanks it's really educating and thank you for the lecture especially about the calories maintenance
Thank you very much for this. I learnt a lot. God bless you.
Thank you so much for this article. It is very well broken down. Well done!
Thanks for this Article, it was an eye opener for me on my weight loss journey. God Bless You
Best write up I've ever come across
A very wonderful write up, thank you so much
Since I started trying to loose weight about 3 years ago … Going on and off, this is the first time I've read a weightloss piece that I can actually relate to and apply. And I just stumbled on it cause I was browsing slimming tea. Thank you so much …. I'll start this plan from today.
You’re the best
Thank you for this
Thank you for this detailed piece, God bless you!
Very impressive, your post really explained this weight loss matter in the most simple basic way, that a layman can understand. It was helpful, the infographics etc. It shows you really took your time, researched well, before presenting this "all in one" explainer. Thank you, and stay blessed and healthy.
Arghhhh!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for such an engaging post, I was literally looking forward to every sentence. Very simple and explanatory.
Thank you so much for this information. This is one of the best articles I have read on weight loss online. It pretty much made my weight loss journey easier. God bless you. I will be back with my review soonest.
This is the most wonderful article I have read about weight lost on line, and is free too, thank you so much sir, you just saved me, now I know what to you.. God bless you
Thank you so much
This was helpful
Heart you❤️
I really love you this went a long way. I learnt something huge ❤️❤️❤️. Thank you very much
Thank you for this information.i was about to start the keto diet but i think i will stick to calorie deficit,can you post meal plan with Nigeria food..thank you
So are you trying to say we should avoid all types of snacks and drinks forever that contain too much sugar so we can loose weight???
And how do we know the amount of calory in every Nigerian foods???
Thanks sir
I really learn alot
More knowledge and blessings, thank you once again.
This is beautiful and very educative . Thank you .
Thanks I have real learnt alot from this
I can't say I love you coz I don't know you, but I truly appreciate the knowledge shared on this platform.
God bless you sir …….
Thank you for this detailed piece, God bless you! This is more than helpful for me at this time
The terms calorie and kcal seem to be used interchangeably, in calculating daily allowance, though the ordinary meaning would suggest kcal is a thousand calories.
Pls clarify.
You did so well with the explanations
You did well with clear and concise explanation. Got notes
Thank you very much! This is the best Nigerian websites I’ve seen that actually took their time to do Justice to this subject. I would normally not care to leave a review on websites but this one really educated me! I love it! Thank you once again…you’re doing great. I’m a university student trying to lose weight. I’ve started going to the gym. Few questions I may want to ask is: what kind of exercises should I be doing that will ultimately help me reduce to a substantial level and then give me muscles? How long would I need to do this before seeing results? What do I do if I am unable to calculate the calories of some good? Thank you in advance.
This is a very wonderful piece to read. well informative, easy to understand and a eye opener.
This is all these need to lose weight
But can I burn fat too
Wow this was really helpful and you are so right. You didn’t only point at the problems, you proffer solution. Thank you
It's was helpful thank you very much and I love you ❤️❤️
i love your post so much, its really helpfull. gracias,
God bless you so much for this. I'm grateful. So helpful.
Lol this was really helpful and I appreciate it tnks
Lyk it opened a whole new chapter in my head about weight loss I was thinking excercise does all the magic tho
And I can't wait to follow this steps really I've been battling with wanting to loose weight for quite some time nw and it's not been working jst can't wait to see results cuz I'm doing everything I jst read from now henceforth
Tnks and I love you ❤️
Femi thank you so much. I really find this educative and helpful. I and my friend started our weight loss a month ago. I added interminent fasting with mine and I gave totally stopped eating some certain meals until I bumped into your article saying we could eat anything but just 'watch it'. Thanks once again and I love love love you ❤️. Please do you have like a channel for weight loss I can subscribe to or where I can just get tips from you daily.. Thanks for responding
Meehhhn, I absolutely, completely love you.
Just reading this feels like the weight is rolling off.
But now I know what to do and what not to do.God bless
Super educative. Well explained. God bless you plenty ni oo. You have done well. I will start counting my calories intake and hopeful I get it right. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for this. I want to ask when is the ideal time to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner?
There’s no ideal time, unfortunately.
The best time is to eat when you’re truly hungry.
This is highly educative and I’m glad I stumbled upon this❤️
Awesome, thank you for the tips. Thanks again
Most articles aren’t this helpful but you bodied this. Question tho, what about popcorn? I hear it has very little calories.
Yes true, the flavour & sugar-free ones.
Thank you so so much for this… God bless you your write up was so friendly and I get to understand better. Muah!!
What an awesome post, it's the best I have read for a long time. Thanks for sharing.
Nice post.
Very educative. Thank you very much
I love you so much.. God bless your family
I love you so much… thank you for educating me! And not being stingy about knowledge
Please how can I loose belly fat without loosing weight?
You cannot spot reduce. To lose belly fat, you have to lose overall body weight. Plus he said it all already, you lose weight by being on a caloric deficit and that includes belly fat.
I've never read an article thoroughly as I read this.
Nice one.
Thank you so much for this comprehensive write up.
Wow this is informative…thanks
Aren’t you perfect like this?
Thanks for this info and I love you for this
If you just add how to loose belly fat without loosing weight then I will just give you my liver
‘m using your style of writing, can you tell?
I like how funny u are in the write up ..how sarcastic u get atimes
Keep it up…u r a national treasure like this
May God bless my boo who found u and shared this with me
This is the best so far.. I have read from all sites and still no better explanation like yours.. U touched every part and I have bookmark tod your page…. It has given me more courage to push harder….. Am 91kg and am coming back to tell u my success story.. Thanks so much
Thank You So Much
Hmm! This is really an eye opener for me as I have been looking for what and how to eat to reduce my 110kg weight instead of me loosing weight I'm just adding more.Thank you so much for this insightful write-up.
Can I give you a kiss right now, u really did explain this so well, I love this, thanks a lot.
Whoa the best weight loss and management write up I have ever heard or read
Thank u soo much for this write-up, its self explanatory. Never learnt about weight loss this easily. I would surely share this wt my loved one.
I really learnt a lot from this…
I didn't know that drinking soft drinks was drinking calories…
I always wonder why I keep getting chubbier.
Thanks so much.
A great lesson
This is so helpful. I am so happy I came across this. God bless you. Can you teach how to calculate the calories in a meal?
Thank you for this write up, it has been of tremendous help to me, God bless you
Please are you on watsapp
Thank you so much for this detailed analysis. I appreciate
Thank you. Helpful content
This has been interesting and informative for me, you did an excellent work. Thank you
God!! how did i not ever come across you and your books online? This is helping me alot… i have lost 3.5kg in 7 days following a protein diet with my own diet plan. am super excited. i have been printing your books hoping it doesnt get wiped off from the internet one day..lol will you blame me? the books are super super informative… God bless you big
This is one of the best, well researched posts I have read on weight loss and it was so helpful and relatable. God bless.
Fantastic post. Found this very helpful.
Lots of useful information for free.
This is the best information I have ever gotten on weight loss. Thank you so much.
Wooooow. Am so blessed reading this. Hank you sir and God do to you more thank you have done here.
Mehn!! I enjoyed every bit of this article….I was just reading and smiling,so realistic. God bless you for breaking it down
It was awesome reading this, thanks for the information
Thanks so much for this free wealth of knowledge. I love you so much.
Thanks dear. Quite helpful. I was smiling reading all through.
Please I need a meal plan, can you help? Thanks
Thanks so much
This was very helpful and I made sure I read it word by word
Wow this is a wonderful Note. This note will go a long way in helping my weight loss. The teaching is strictly real and true when I compare it with the ways my body operates. Thanks alot Sir
Wow very educative thanks alot, been gyming my way to fitness, now i know better God bless
Dammnnnn this is sooo educative
I never knew most of the things I learnt here for free
Thanks a lot for this post
I enjoyed every bit of it
Thank u soo much
Wawooooo.Amazing.thanks a lot
This is so unbelievable, thank you, thank you and thank you… You are a blessing, giving out so much information for free, meanwhile the so called pay for more information, I believe does not know half of this. I have been so discouraged with this madness of loose weight pay this, wanna loss weight? Pay that.
God bless bro!!!!! From the bottom of my heart
Thank you this is highly informative. I just love and appreciate how the post seemed like I was talking face to face with the writer loll found myself nodding, saying hmm, ahhh, yesss like the writer was in front of me loll. I rate this 5stars thumbs up!
Enjoyed reading every bit of this piece. Quite informative. Thanks so much!
Superb! Pls sir I would like to know how to calculate the amount of calories in each nigerian foods I eat so I would know the quantity of foods to eat daily. Thank you
This is indeed more than helpful to me
Thank you so much for this article
Thank you Mr Femi, very nice insightful
This is the best article on weight loss have read. Thank you so much for this information but your work is not complete if you don't give us some of the nigeria food with calories calculated like a slice of yam calories times 4 is what? I Know you understand my English.
This has been very helpful…. Thanks so much. But how do we know just how much calories we're taking in for each food session…. And i s groundnut oil healthy?
This has been really helpful.. Thank you so much. Please I would like to have your food time table.. If you don't mind..
Also to ask,why is it that some slim people eat way more calories than their body requires but still maintain their same weight
Well, it simply means there eating fewer calories than you estimate or are probably very active.
I absolutely enjoyed reading this.i don't remember reading any post from start to finish like I just did yours.very insightful,sincere as well as interesting and funny.please I'll like to ask how I can calculate the amount of calories on quantity of Nigerian meals..for example how many calories is there in a slice of yam,a serving spoon of beans etc so I'd know how to draw my weight loss plan
This is just what I've been looking for. Thanks for this article.
I enjoyed reading this article to the very end. Too lengthy and wordy I must say, but you had a witty way of keeping your reader hooked till the last full stop. I have learnt so much. Thanks
Ah-may-zing! Easy read, easy to understand and detailed. Thank you so much for the guide.
Thank you for this.May God continue to bless your work
Wow!!this really simplify weight loss journey, eating good food but in moderation. I really appreciate this, well done.
Love this thanks for this topic its areal eye opener .i will try to follow this step
OMG! The best article I’ve read this year, I read it word tor word, line by line till the very end! very captivating, educative and also hilarious lol!
Very educative, God will keep blessing you
Please does this work also for tommy fat?
Yes, it does!
Please your whattspp number
I love this. O se joo!
Do you have weight loss meal plan?
Very educative. Thanks for not hurding this information.
I appreciate this post and I'd be coming back to say how it's going or not for me in a few months time. Thank you
Thanks a lot for these tips. I'm starting my weight loss journey today and I pray I'll be consistent so that by 3 months I'll have achieved my goal weight.
Thanks for the write up, it's very enlightening and eye opening. I learnt a lot. God bless you greatly.
If u eat a lot a day b4 u start ur weight loss diet,do u drink only water d first day so DAT ur body can use up most of d stored fat
I read this to the very end and I must say, I've been educated
Thank you so much
My number one goal for this year is to lose weight and get fit.
I'm doing it for me
To be happy, because I'd love myself more if I was slimmer and fit
I pray ill be consistent and I pray this works for me
Thank you!
I am a fitness trainer,but boss this has opened my eyes better than I ever thought I knew. Thanks for this beautiful piece.
Wow! Kudos to you… But please, can I use the usual scale used for frozen foods in the market to measure my food? Thanks
Yes sure. However, it might be a little more convenient to use a home food scale
Brilliant write up
This is actually my first time reading an article till the end and I really learnt a lot.. you deserve a big hug
Very educative and fun to read. This explains a whole lot and is very helpful. Thank you.
This is very educative
Thank you!
This helped a lot
Amazing. You just made my day.
Good job
How do we calculate the calorie maintenance level of our body? I thought there was going to be a calculator or something.
Hello, the link to the calculator is in the article. Check
This writeup on weight loss is explicit! I am glad I came across this! Please I need a weight loss meal plan. Thank you so much I will be sure to share my testimony.
God bless you greatly for this information. But can you give us an ideal food time table.
Thanks very much I was so happy while reading your article
God will bless you and ever more if you give us food menu Abey
Thanks this write up is very educating
Thanks God bless
Thanks for this write up.
Wow u xplained like a real Nigerian. Thanks for being very explicit. I now know better.
Super super comprehensive, straight to the point and very helpful. ✅
Thank you.
I really enjoyed reading this.
Makes it simple and easy.
Been exercising like crazy but from this I understand better how to workout my weight loss.
Really enjoyed this piece. I'm not enlightened
Wow thanks alot have looking for something like dis for sometime now and I understand Wat am doing wrong thanks to u
Pls I need to understand how to calculate my calorie intake and all that…sincerely I don’t really understand
Hi so how can I get a detailed weight loss plan?
Nice write-up, thanks a lot
One of the best articles I have read on weight loss. In fact, the best Nigerian write up I have come across on weight loss. Educative, easy, and do able. Many thanks. Great job.
I love
Fabulous! This is the best like the best weight loss advice I have read so far. Simplified and realistic! Thank you and God bless you
Wow,thank you so so much,I needed this,so simple to understand.Wish you have a meal plan though,that will be so awesome
Nice write up but what about a body builder that wants to cut alot of fat from his muscles after bulking muscle u know he has to be careful so as not to lose his precious muscles what is his diet plan
You really did a great job. Just like explaining to a child in the nursery class. lol. Thank you very much. The information is quite helpful. The best I have read so far!
Am so amazed with your article it perfectly explained all one need to know about everything not just sticking to diet already written by other people but making you know how to creat diet yourself…thank u so much for making some one like me and other people get a better understanding in all about calories.
Thanks for the wonderful post, pls can I get your contact? God bless you.
Click on “Contact” at the top or bottom of this page.
Thank you is all I have to say……cus this article is like lighting up a dark room.
Mehn to be honest, this one of the best most explanatory piece about weight loss I've read. Breaking virtually all complicated issues on the subject matter down to everyone's understanding. This is soo good. A long read but very informative. Thanks a bunch for this.
And yeah, I love you
I just love this article,the information I needed to know
This article is the best i have read in my weightloss journey…kudos
This article is amazing… Thankyou
I really got value from this post thank you.
A lot of valuable information to give out for free, thank you so much!. With this article, I am actually able to develop my own plan and that is awesome! Will like to be able to have access to you on email, please oblige me.
Thank you again
This is very educative and informative, and detailed too. Thanks for sharing
This article is the best I've read so far! So easy to understand, and teach you everything you need to know without leaving anything out. Please do you have a team or group of people you coach to loose weight?
This article just gives me hope..i love it
I love your articles. Very detailed and easy to understand. Thank you.
The best guide for Nigerian weight loss ever. Thank you so much. I like how well researched you are. Great stuff
I feel so blessed reading this article. My question now is, is there a specific milk to take while loosing weight? Or just about any milk?
This is the best article I have come across thank you so much
Thank you a lot. One of the most down-to-earth and helpful pieces I have read on my weight loss journey.
Definitely the best weight loss guide I've seen so far. Thank you for this.
Question: Is there any such thing as drinking too much water? And can it affect your calorie intake in a day? How do you know how much to take then?
Well, water has no calories. So you can drink as much water as you want.
How much water to drink depends on a lot of factors like the weather, the kind of food you’re eating and so on.
Simplified, useful and interesting
I will follow suit
Can we have a group chat for easy contact e.g WhatsApp group….I think this will enable us to read more and discuss better
Thank you
Thank you very much foe this sensitization. Now I know the cause of weight gain, i must adhere to all this instructions to loose weight.
Weight loss made easy. Very nice article. Well done.