Looking for protein-rich foods you can find in Nigeria?
Well, look no further.
Because I have compiled the complete list of high-quality protein foods we have here in Nigeria (38 of them).
I won't start by bore-ing you with what protein is and why it's important.
You probably already know that. And if you don't, I have saved that for the last part of this post.
Without any further ado, let’s get to the "meat" of this article (no pun intended!)
38 Protein Foods In Nigeria

1. Chicken Breast
Chicken breast is one of the most popular go-to sources for protein, and for good reason.
You see, most of the calorie in chicken breast is pure protein (about 80% of it).
A grilled chicken breast (without the skin) with only 284 calories has a whooping 53 grams of protein.
2. Turkey Breast
Turkey breast, just like chicken breast, is a tasty low-fat, and high-protein source. It's also a home of some important vitamin and mineral.
About 70% of the calorie in turkey breast is protein. A Three ounces (85 grams) of roasted skinless turkey breast has about 24 grams of protein and about 115 calories [1].
3. Egg
Whole eggs are one of the most nutritious and high-quality protein sources out there. Because they contain all the amino acids.
35% of the calories in an egg is protein. That means, for example, 1 large egg (with 78 calories) has 6 grams of protein.
It is important to know that the egg yolk contains most of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. However, the egg whites contain at least 60% of the protein.
Bonus Download: Download Free PDF Document of over 100 Nigerian Foods and their Calorie content. Click Button Below:
4. Beef
Beef is one of the most delicious-tasting proteinous foods on this list. It is also loaded in the nutrient department.
The leaner the beef, the more the protein content.
A cooked 3-ounce (85 g) beef with 10% fat has 22 grams of protein with 184 calories. Which brings the protein content to 53% of the total calories
5. Corned Beef
Corned beef is another form of high-quality protein beef. And the best part is it’s convenient and tastes like heaven!
85 gram of corned beef contains about 24 g of protein.
6. Milk
Milk is one of the most highly nutritious protein sources there is. You see, it is interesting to know that milk contains a little bit of almost every single nutrient the human body needs.
Protein content in milk makes up 21% of its calories. 1 cup of whole milk, with about 149 calories contains 8 grams of protein.
7. Greek Yoghurt
Greek yoghurt (A.K.A strained yogurt) is a really thick type of yoghurt with more protein.
Matter of fact, Greek yoghurt contains almost double the amount of protein content compared to regular plain yoghurt.
48% of the calories in non-fat Greek yoghurt is protein. A 6-ounce (170-gram) container has 17 grams of protein. And it’s only 100 calories.
Full-fat Greek yoghurt is also very high in protein but contains a bit more calories. Whichever one you buy, just ensure it’s unsweetened.
Lastly, regular full-fat yoghurt also has high protein content (24% of calories), which is an okay alternative option.
8. Wara
Traditional Wara is milk curds gotten by adding a coagulant to fresh milk.
Some people say it tastes like boiled egg-whites while other say it has a bland taste.
Anyways, it made this list because it contains a significant amount of quality protein.
The protein content in wara is between 10-12% of it calories, mainly depending on the quality of milk and coagulant used in making it.
A 100g of Wara contains about 76 calories and 8g of protein.
9. Tofu
Tofu (sometimes referred to as 'Soya wara' or 'beske') is a lot like Wara. But it's made from soybeans instead of milk.
It's nutrient packed and also contains a significant amount of quality protein.
A 100g serving of tofu contains about 70 calories, 8g of protein and several other good nutrients [2]
10. Cottage Cheese
There are various types of cheese with different nutritional profiles. However, cottage cheese has the highest protein content (59% of its calories). And it’s also low in fat and calories.
A 226 g (about a cup) of cottage cheese with 194 calories and with 2% fat, contains 27 grams of protein
Other types of cheese high in protein are Parmesan cheese (38% of calories), swiss cheese (30%), mozzarella (29%) and cheddar (26%).
11. Kefir
Kefir is a fermented drink, traditionally made using cow or goat milk.
It is considered by many to be a healthier and more powerful version of yoghurt. Because it is high in both nutrient and probiotics.
That’s not all, it is also a high protein source. About up to 40% of its calories (depending on the type of milk used) is protein.
In general, a 175 ml (6 oz) serving of milk kefir with about 100 calories contains around 6 grams of protein
12. Whey Protein Powder Supplement
Whey protein powder supplement is manufactured from dairy products. It is a convenient way to make up for your protein intake.
The amount of protein content of whey protein depends on the manufacturer.
However, on average, one scoop (about 28 grams) of whey protein powder contains a whooping 20 grams of protein (29).
That's more than 90% of it's calories.

13. Fresh Fish/ Dry Fish
Fish is not only yummy but loaded with a variety of nutrients like vitamin B12, selenium, magnesium, potassium and more.
It is also high in protein content. Although the protein content highly varies depending on the type of fish.
You can expect anything from 46% up of its calorie content to be protein.
14. Shrimp
Shrimp is one seafood that is not only high in protein but contains a variety of incredible nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and selenium, just to name a few.
Protein occupies about 82% of its calories. A 3 ounce (85 g) cooked shrimp, with just 84 calories contains just about 18 grams of protein
15. Canned Tuna
Tuna is a type of fish that is low in both fat and calories, making it an almost pure-protein source.
Also, just like any fish, Tuna is a great nutritional source and contain an ample amount of omega 3 fatty acids.
Tuna canned in water has a whopping 94% of its calories to be protein. A cup (154 g) with 179 calories, contains 39 grams of protein.
16. Sardine
Sardine is not only a convenient high-protein source but also a great source of natural calcium.
A can of sardines (92 grams) has about 23 grams of easily absorbable protein and a host of other useful nutrients including vitamin D and B12 [4].
17. Crayfish
Crayfish is another seafood packed with protein and other key nutrients.
The best part is, they are one of the best ways to add both protein and flavour to your foods at the same time.
A 100 grams of crayfish, with 87 calories contains 18g of protein (which is about 36% of its calories)
18. Snail
Snails are a low-calorie source of protein
Even better, it's a warehouse of crucial nutrient including omega-3, selenium, Iron, and vitamin B12, just to name a few.
At only 90 calories, a 100-gram serving of snail provides 16.5 grams of protein.

19. Almonds
Almonds are one of the nuts with the highest amount of protein content.
They are not only protein-rich but also loaded with other key nutrients like fibre, vitamin E, manganese and magnesium.
The protein content of almond sits at 13% of its calorie. So an ounce (28 g) of Almond, with 161 calories, contains 6 gram of protein
20. Pistachios
Pistachio is another nut rich in protein and amazing healthy nutrients.
28.4 g (49 kernels) of Pistachio, with 159 calories, contains 6 g as protein (i.e 13% of its calories)
21. Groundnut(Peanuts)/Peanut Butter
Groundnut (AKA peanut) is a delicious nut with lots of nutrients including high protein and fibre.
One ounce (28 g) of g-nut, with 159 calories has 7 grams of protein.
As Peanut butter is made from groundnut, it's also high in protein. Ensure you choose organic peanut butter without added sugar.
22. Millet
Millet is an ancient nutritious plant that also contains high protein content.
100 grams of millet, with calories of 378, contains 11 g.
23. Quinoa
Quinoa is one of the oldest and most popular superfoods. The ancient grain/seed is high in protein, fibre and other valuable vitamins and minerals.
One cup (185 g) of cooked quinoa with 222 calories, offers 8 grams of protein. Which is 15% of its calories.
24. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are sources of some incredible nutrients including protein, magnesium, zinc and Iron, just to mention a few.
Protein makes 14% of calories in pumpkin seed. For an ounce (28g) of pumpkin seed, with 125 calories, the protein content is 5 grams.
25. Egusi (Melon Seed)
Egusi is a protein-rich seed with plenty of health benefits.
Protein makes up about 12% of the calorie content of Egusi.
26. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are small but mighty. They pack a lot of nutritional punch.
For their size, they are high in protein compared to most plants.
An ounce of chia seeds (about two tablespoons), with 137 calories, has about 4 grams of protein (about 11%)
You can add them to your smoothies or just about anything to increase protein and fibre content without adding too many extra calories.
27. Chickpea
Chickpea is one of the oldest consumed legumes, with a generous amount of vitamins and mineral.
Chickpeas are also high in protein. 100grams of chickpea, with 364 contain 19 grams of protein.
28. Lentils
Lentil is a legume not only protein-rich but also rich in various other nutrients including fibre, iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, folate and more.
Lentils are one of the greatest sources of plant-based protein you can get. Its protein content is sitting at about 27% of its calories. 1 cup (198 g) of boiled lentils, with 230 calories, contains 18 grams of protein.
29. Beans/Moi Moi/Akara
All types of beans including its bi-products like Moi-moi and Akara are all protein and fibre packed.
You can choose any form or type of bean you prefer and get at least 20 percent of your needed daily protein in a 1-cup serving
Thanks to beans, it really is possible to reach your recommended amount of daily protein without meat.
30. Locust Beans (Dawa Dawa Or Iru Or Ogiri)
Locust beans is another high protein food with some amazing health benefit.
Protein occupies about 6.5% of its calories. You can easily spice up, and at the same time, increase the protein value of your soup by adding locust beans.
31. Oats
Oats is one of the healthiest grains you can get. It’s not only full of important nutrients (like fibre, manganese, magnesium, and so on) but, also contains a significant amount of protein.
Half a cup of uncooked oats with 303 calories, has 13 grams protein.

32. Broccoli
Pound for pound, Broccoli contains a very high amount of protein compared to other veggies. And it’s choke-full of important nutrients including fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium too.
The protein content of broccoli is 20% of its total calories. This translate to a cup of chopped broccoli (96 grams) contains 3 grams of protein with a measly 31 calories.
33. Green Pea
Green pea is a low GI vegetable with a lot of nutrients to offer including protein.
1 cup (137.75 grams) of cooked green peas, with 116 calories, contains about 20 gram of protein (i.e 15%)
34. Ewedu And Gbegiri
Ewedu (jute leave) is also one of the few vegetables with a reasonable amount of protein.
Especially when mixed with gbegiri. You see, gbegiri is made from beans (it's sometimes called "beans soup"). Therefore, since it's made from beans it's high in protein
35. Okra
Okras are nutritious and super low in calories.
They also manage to have a significant amount of protein compared to the majority of other vegetables.
100 grams of okra, with a measly 33 calories, contains 1.9g of protein
There you have it, all of the high protein foods in Nigeria.
Why Should You Eat More Protein
The importance of eating enough protein cannot be overemphasised.
You see, there are lots of disagreement in the health and fitness industry, however, one thing everybody agrees is that protein is important.
That's why you hardly hear of a low-protein diet. Can't say the same for carbs or fat.
Anyways, here are some importance of protein:
There you have it, a few convincing reasons why eating more protein is important. And 35 high proteinous food you can find in Nigeria.
NOW It's Your Turn
Let me know in the comment section your favourite protein from the list. And let me know if I missed any Nigerian foods high protein.
Please do a write of list of foods in Nigeria that can cause increase body weight and as well boost the immune system
Thank you for the info!
Thank you for this message
Thanks it was really helpful and educating
Thanks for the information
All these foods listed, all they all available in Nigeria? Because I’ve never heard of some of them
And I thought it was just me
Tank for the infor, please, my sugar is high wat can I do or eat, cos doctor said I need protein
Thank you very much for the write up..Sir i want to lose belly fat…what do you recommend
Thanks for teaching us, my favorite protein giving food is egg
My favourite protein is ewa
Very informative article. Well done!
My favourite protein are: Okra, Broccoli, Oats, Lentils, Sardine, Shrimp & Fresh fish
My doctor told me to avoid protein for now, She said that they found protein in my urine
Please what Should I do?
Seeing proteins in urine is not a function of excess protein intake, rather it might be renal disorder to be investigated and treated.
Awesome and direct!
nice read.well done
Thanks for sharing.
God Evening, thank u for making me understand but I have a question, u said protein make u loos weight, den number two u still said it's one of the best vitamin that makes u gain weight and have a healthy body texture I don't understand that
Hello, yes protein helps you lose weight (in terms of fat) because it keeps you full longer, thereby helping you consume less.
Also, it helps you gain weight (in terms of muscles) because it’s a bodybuilding food.
Carbohydrates are what makes us huge gain unnecessary weight. If we want to grown intentionally, let's say build your body, protein intake will help a lot, and of you still want yo slim down (weight loss), protein intake is still the best
I guess he means lose fat and gain muscle generally. It is also important to add in some workout and sleep well, for at least 7 hrs. Also reduce the oil content in soups, if possible
Nice Article, but please add pictures so that non-nigerians and new nigerians can understand your content better
Really educative. Thank you!
Thank you for the article. Very informative.
Indomie ,canned tuna ,beef
Will help in my weight loss
Its all good
I really appreciate you for this info. Sir please I did surgery on hemorrhoid and doc said I should be eating more of foods that contains fiber, and I don't know food that contains fiber, please could you help and list time out? Please sir
Oats, fruits, potatoes and beans all have fiber
Thanks for the info and I commend you for not flog this post with ads
Beans is rich in carbohydrates. More carbs than proteins. Do your research.
Start from this link above. That false info thought in Nigerian schools need to be reversed
Exactly. Beans is not part of protein
Dear Aturu, thank you for your response and advise to the write to do research before coming to the public space to "deceive" people that beans provide proteins. You backed up your claim with a link to clear our heads of the "junks" taught about beans being protein. Well sir, i was curious and wanted to learn from you, who apparently knows "better", but to my greatest chagrin sir Aturu, you are the one who did not do a proper research because i copied the below from the site you referred the whole world to…
"All types of beans—including black, cranberry, Great Northern, dark red kidney, light red kidney, white kidney, navy, pink, pinto, and small red—are good sources of protein, excellent sources of fiber, and naturally fat-free, sodium-free, and cholesterol-free. Many types are also good sources of potassium".
So, my dear Sir Aturu, i (we) would appreciate it a lot better if you correct people in humility otherwise, you would be shooting yourself in the foot.
Beans Sir, from your link, is indeed a source of protein.
Thank you.
This got me rolling on the floor.
Thank you for this response Sir/ma.
So from all the lecture(article), the only thing our Dear Sir Aturu picked was the beans…
However, Mr. Femi actually said, you will get 20% daily protein from beans…
People and ITK( I too know) attitude. It's very advisable to stay clear comment section if you can't encourage, support or correct reasonably…
Sharing knowledge isn't easy as most people think.
Thank you Sir for a wonderful blog like this.
God bless you.
It's very high in proteins nonetheless. Compared to many foods. Most foods contain more than just one class of food. If it's very high in either, it can be classified under either.
Amazing blog, I'm very happy to read this blog. Basically, I know new many things to read this blog. I strongly believe that the blog delivers the best information to its audience.
Chicken Breast, Turkey Breast, Eggs, Beef, Goat Meat, Milk, Yoghurt, Wara, Titus Fish, Shrimps, Crayfish, Snail, Groundnut/Peanut Butter, Egusi, Millet For Pap, Chai Seeds, Beans/Amara/Moi Moi, Iru, Oats, Broccoli, Green Pea, Okra Are Not Just My Favorite But Are Also Accessible/Affordable Since I Plan To Be Consistent With My Protein Intake.
Thank You So Much For Sharing.
Thanks so much, for this wonderful lecture. My question please
Can eating beans and fruit every day help in losing weight?
Yes, eating beans and fruit can help you lose weight because they are both high in fibre.
Which helps keep you full for longer, so you consume fewer calories at the end of the day.
Kinda confused,if eating all these listed foods and fruits will help in weight lose,why then does the doctor advice pregnant women to take lots of these same foods/fruits?
You didn't mention fruits high in protein. Learnt Avacados, guavas, orange and banana are good sources of protein.
Thanks so much for this,you are really appreciated.But I have a question as regards "Beef".I have always heard pple saying it's bad for weight loss that rather it makes one to add weight,can u pls help clarify?
Thank you.
Hello, Beef is not bad for weight loss. In fact, beef can help in weight-loss because of its high protein content.
How can I get muscle boss
By hitting the gym, son.
Thanks so much for the information
I love anything made with beans
I literally forgot some categories of food that are proteins. but thanks for bringing them to my reminder.
you are the best. I love veggies though.
Thanks a lot for this write up i really gain something here
Awesome John
I have a sharp pain in my stomach and back. please what is the solution to this problem.
Stop eating beans and carbonated drinks for a while. There's a good chance that you're experiencing gas pain. This occurs when you have excess gas in your intestine.
Stop eating beans and carbonated drinks for a while. There's a good chance that you're experiencing gas pain. This occurs when you have excess gas in your intestine.
Egg, beans,brake, ewudu, oats and peanut
Thank you for these detailed knowledge.
You just made my day
Thank you so much for sharing this information God bless you.
Thank you so much,it’s very helpful,I really get all what av been looking for.
Good information. Found it very useful too. Thanks for sharing.
This is really helpful thanks you so much boss
Wow… This really helped. Thank you so much. Now I know it is WÀRÀ SOYA BESKE they gave that all glammed up name… Lol.
God bless you.
Wow! Thank you so much. Exactly what I was looking for. But, can you build muscle just with protein alone without adding carbs?
the short answer is You need carbs too to build muscles.
The long answer will be a post for another day.
Great list,exactly what I have been looking for;
I am changing my deity from Animal protein to plant proteins.
Please if you are in Nigeria can you help me with a sample of these see I have selected here… I am not sure I have seen them before. I will pay for the cost of the sample and perhaps where to buy them when I need them.
Quinoa, Chai Seed, Lentils,Pumpkin Seeds and Pistachios.
Thank you.
To be honest your message about the benefits of protein in the body just nailed it all for me as I was about to google that so well done.
Thank you. This is really helpful
Am so happy to know this things I hear today thanks so much Boss
Thanks a lot 4 dis list. I was hoping if u know where I can get a diet plan solely on proteins n maybe a little carbs. I’m so lean man n I need 2 gain a lot of muscles. Help a bro
Eat more carbs and go to the gym regularly
I love eggs,moi moi and beans. But d question is, how much eggs do I need a day? Is it bad to have two a day or six in a week?
Hello, it not bad at all to eat two eggs a day.
I can’t say exactly how much eggs you will need in a day. It depends on your personal dietary needs.
Two cooked egg a day ,you can share it one in the morning one at night but you can still eat two eggs at the same time. 6 a week is not bad but add more vegetables to it
Wow, thanks a million for this. It means that keto diet is a great deal for me.
Which food will make me loose weight for just a week
Do dry fasting and take only water… It really works for 1 week weight loss