Looking for Nkwobi recipe ?
You have reached the right place because this recipe post would walk you through, step by step, how to make Nkwobi.
Without delay, let's get down to the business of the day...
How to make Nkwobi
Here's how to make the best Nkwobi (AkA Spicy cow foot):
Nigerian Fried Rice RecipeRecipe by Fitnigerian This recipe is one of the popular dishes from the Eastern part of Nigeria. One of those evening relaxing sides accompanied with palm wine. 4.8 Star Rating | |
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Nkwobi Recipe (#1 Best Method) - FitNigerian

Looking for Nkwobi recipe ?
Type: Main course
Cuisine: Igbo Nigerian
Keywords: Igbo food, cow foot, cow head
Recipe Yield: 4 servings
Preparation Time: PT1H20M
Cooking Time: PT5M
Total Time: PT1H25M
Recipe Ingredients:
- Cow foot
- Palm oil
- Potash
- Ugba
- Ehuru
- onion
- Pepper
- Seasoning cube
- Salt
- Crayfish
- Utazi leaves
Your Turn
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