Groundnut (Roasted) Nutrition Facts
Description: Groundnut ,Roasted
Local Names:
Scientific Name:
Category: Nuts and Seeds
Calories in Groundnut (Roasted)
The calories in 100 grams of Groundnut (Roasted) is 633.26 calories (kcal).
Quick Groundnut (Roasted) Nutritional Value
Here is a quick overview of Groundnut (Roasted) nutrition information:
Quantity | 100g |
Calories | 633.26 kcl |
Fat | 45.6g |
Protein | 18.4g |
Carb | 36.11g |
Detailed Groundnut (Roasted) Nutrition Data
Here is the detailed data on Groundnut (Roasted) nutrition info:
Groundnut (Roasted) Macronutrients data
Weight | 100g |
Energy | 2633.15 Kj |
Calories | 633.26 kcl |
Fat | 45.6g |
Protein | 18.4g |
Carb | 36.11g |
Fiber | 2.41g |
Water | 1.035g |
Groundnut (Roasted) Minerals Data
Weight | 100g |
Calcium | 1.35mg |
Iron (Fe) | 0.47mg |
Magnesium | 0.24mg |
Phosphorus (P) | 0.69mg |
Potassium (k) | 0.55mg |
Sodium (Na) | 0.57mg |
Zinc (Zn) | mg |
Copper (Cu) | mg |
Manganese | mg |
Groundnut (Roasted) Vitamins Data
Weight | 100g |
Vitamin A, RAE | μg |
Retinol | mg |
Carotene, beta | μg |
Vitamin D | μg |
Thiamin, B1 | mg |
Riboflavin, B2 | mg |
Niacin, B3 | mg |
mg | |
Folate, B9 (μg) | μg |
Vitamin B12 (μg) | μg |
Vitamin C (mg) | mg |
other Groundnut (Roasted) Micronutrients
Weight | 100g |
Ash | 1.41g |
Alcohol | - |
Caffeine | - |
Theobromine | - |
Summary of Groundnut (Roasted) , Nutrition Info
Serving size of 100 grams of Groundnut (Roasted) , contains 633.26 calories, 18.4g of Protein, 45.6g of Fat, and 36.11g of Carbs.
Groundnut (Roasted) Nutrition facts Summary | ||
Description: | Groundnut ,Roasted | |
Local Names: | ||
Scientific Name: | ||
Category: | Nuts and Seeds | |
Serving Size: | 100 grams | |
Calories: | 633.26 Kcal/100g | |
Nutrients | - Energy:
2633.15Kj |
Data sources include: Ayoola P.B., Adeyeye A., Onawunmi O.O., Onyenweaku, E. O., Ene-Obong, H. N., Williams, I. O. (2016).Nutrient quality of Nigerian egg species, raw and boiled. Unpublished data, Human Nutrition Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Calabar, Nigeria.2 Chemical evaluation of food value of groundnut(Arachis hypogea) Seeds Amarican Journal of Food and Nutrition Online ISSN Chukwu-Ebi, J. A., Ene-Obong, H. N. (2013). Nutrient potential of wild and cultivated edible mushrooms and theur possible use in fortifying snacks for pre-school and school children. M.Sc. Degree thesis, Department of Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Paper In Press.7-Adeyemo S.M. and Onilude A.A.(Onyenweaku, E. O., Ene-Obong, H. N., Williams, I. O. (2016).Nutrient quality of Nigerian egg species, raw and boiled. Unpublished data, Human Nutrition Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Calabar, Nigeria.3) Enzymatic Reduction of Anti-nutritional Factors in Fermenting Soybeans by Lactobacillus plantarum Isolates from Fermenting Cereals. Nigerian Food Journal Volume 31, Issue 2, Onyenweaku, E. O., Ene-Obong, H. N., Williams, I. O. (2016).Nutrient quality of Nigerian egg species, raw and boiled. Unpublished data, Human Nutrition Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Calabar, Nigeria.3, Pages 84–907,